Snapchat | Say More


Snapchat has a Millennial problem. It’s a social platform that attracts young people who communicate via Snaps and videos as they go about their day. But we found that after a certain age, most Snapchatters become former-Snapchatters. This demographic started settling for simple, bland “Hey” messages to their friends instead of fun, in-the-moment Snaps. So we set out to remind them that with Snap, you can say more than “Hey” you can send yourself transforming into a horse saying “HAAAYYYYY” and liven up those conversations.

The campaign was specifically targeted to Millennials and focused on real content that was relatable to them. Moments of adulthood that were better seen rather than told in a boring text message. We drove up the number of daily active users and brand affinity among our target. And nothing says success like the phrases “raised DAU” and “higher brand affinity.”

Credits: Creative Lead:Ben Tolbert | Creatives: Vince Largoza, Erik Wagner | Producer: Chloe Schulberg